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Clarity, precision, and perspective needed in the Church

This is going to be a somewhat long approach to describing what I see as a significant problem in the Church, both among clergy (especially those at the top) and among lay commenters on ecclesial goings on. Some people might think of this as just a rant, or even a screed. I don't really care. The core issue I'm discussing here really is a problem in the Church. The problem is threefold:

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A new title for Mary

Sometime last year, I was listening to a podcast episode of the Thomistic Institute. I don't recall the exact topic of the presentation, but the speaker was developing for his audience the different related meanings of the term "word." He was going through the idea that a word is, first and foremost, an immaterial idea, thought, or concept in the mind. By the action of the voice, the word is expressed into a material/physical reality as a collection of sounds. The collection of sounds is what we normally think of as a "word," and that's where the speaker started off, but he was getting to a deeper point about the sounds being for the purpose of carrying the content of the immaterial/conceptual word to others who, by receiving and internalizing the sounds, then have that same thought or concept in their own minds.

Read more: A new title for Mary