Apparently, the Pope has written a forward (or preface, or something) to a book in the process of being published by James Martin. I haven't read the forward (or preface, or whatever), nor have I looked closely into the book or what it's about. According to a couple of podcasts that I've heard refer to the book, the expectation is that the book is an invitation to those suffering with LGBTQPZ+ disorders to "come out" (of the closet), and that the book places this invitation in the context of Jesus' command to Lazarus to "come forth" from the tomb.

Given the work done by James Martin, I suspect that most of what people (those who would support the book and those who would oppose it) think about the book is correct in terms of what its basic message will be.

But there really is something for those in the LGBTQPZ+ lifestyle to find and appreciate in the episode of Lazarus' death and in Jesus' act of calling him forth from the tomb. There is a very real way in which such people are always invited by the Church to "come out:" They are invited to come forth from the tomb.

The tomb is the tomb of sin. It's the death of the soul. It's the slavery of the person to the disorder, whether physical, psychological, or spiritual, that keeps him or her active in or attracted to his or her deviant lifestyle. Those who are in or attracted to a sexually deviant lifestyle, of whatever letter, are invited to leave the tomb of that disorder and enter into the world of life. The Church calls them to "come out" of that grave into the life of the Grace of Jesus Christ and the love of His Sacred Heart. The Church calls them to repent of their sins, abandon their disordered affections, and enter into the Communion of Saints.

This is probably not what James Martin means by relating the episode of Lazarus in the tomb to the lives of those with LGBTQPZ+ disorders. But it should be.